Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The New Baby!

At the end of our summer in Michigan we found out we were pregnant! I didn't want to just tell Davin we were pregnant so i decided to leave a pregnancy test on the sink to see if he would notice...oh he didn't lol typical.  So i ended up just having to tell him...he was still excited even though i didn't tell him in some cool way ;-P  Then i tried to tell my mom by putting the pregnancy test in a zip lock and having Preston hand it to her.  Well that plan backfired because i forgot that my mom is blind without her reading glasses to small print.  My mom thought it was a thermometer lol so fail number two!  I just had to finally have her look real hard.  She was excited once she understood what it was.  Then we decided to tell my dad by writing "soon to be a big brother" on Preston's back. My mom ran into my parents room and told my dad that Preston had a rash on his back and that he should take a look at it....haha my dad was all worried about a rash until he saw and read what Preston's "rash" said.  He was excited as well ;-) 
of course i had to take 2 pregnancy tests just to be sure! ;-)

Preston's "rash"
My first OB ultrasound around 10 weeks...i still had a subchorionic hemorrhage but it was almost completely healed.  We found out i had the bleed because of pain i was having and an early ultrasound around 7 weeks...but i didn't get a picture of that ultrasound. sadly.  The bleed isn't usually a big deal and heals on its own. thankfully ;-) oh and the bleed  is pictured in the red circle.
this is the same ultrasound just without captions 

 As you can see at my 20 week ultrasound we found out we are having a girl!  I was so surprised that i had the ultrasound lady check twice!  I totally thought i was having another boy!  Mainly because i thought most women are more sick with girls and this pregnancy I was a lot better than my first pregnancy.  I threw up only every other day as compared to 3 times a day with Preston lol  Anyways everything looked great for her! Although we did find out that she weighed around a pound and a half so she is most likely going to be even bigger than her brother! ah ;-P

Our beautiful baby girl! She kept moving so it was hard for the lady to get a good picture. 
I love her little foot!  

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