Towards the beginning of December we had Robbie and Angie over for some cookie decorating fun! Angie pretty much taught us how to decorate cookies cause she is really awesome at it. From now on i think are cookies are going to actually look cool! ;-)
We decided to take Preston and Scarlett to see Santa together. cute!

He was a really good Santa. The kids loved him!
Preston broke one of his antlers right off the bat....of course! lol
Santa gave Preston a Santa rubber duck which he loved holding onto in his mouth. It was really funny! He held it in his mouth for a good 10 mins.
For Christmas eve we went over to Seth and Megan's for some yummy chili, snacks, and games! A couple of Seth and Megan's friends came over too. We had a great time. This picture is of Scarlett and Preston opening up Scarlett's present from us.
Preston loved her present. lol
Christmas Eve at Seth and Megan's.
Preston opening up the monster truck Seth and Megan got Preston.
Seth and Megan got Preston some pjs too.
Preston loved holding the truck in his mouth by a tire. As you can see Scarlett thought it was pretty ridiculous. lol
Once we got back to our apartment Preston opened up another pair of pjs from us. He wore the ones from us to bed...mostly because he drooled all over the other ones. yuck!
Woohoo we all got pjs on Christmas eve! After we put Preston to bed we read the REAL Christmas story from the bible. It was a very fun and nice Christmas Eve. It was sad that this was the first time that I was not at my parents house for Christmas but we made our own Christmas wonderful as one small family. ;-)
Santa came!!
We left out some cookies and Santa even took a bite out of one. ;-P
Preston was surprisingly excited when he woke up and we showed him all the presents. He was definitely more into opening presents this year. We loved it!
He got really excited about his fire truck and mega blocks so he climbed on top? lol
He was very appreciative of all his presents and he loved them all! Granted he pretty much picked out his presents. lol He got five little cars, a mega blocks fire truck with extra blocks, and a hammer. Grandma and Grandpa Burke got him a plastic feeding bib, Christmas bib (that he is wearing), pjs, and a tickle me Elmo (he is really into Sesame street right now).
I am not sure why he was holding the foot of his new pjs in his fingers lol
He was very patient as i took out the little cars from the was actually quite difficult!
Davin did a great job for Christmas for me. He got me these brown dress shoes, a shelf, some cute sayings to go on the shelf, a twilight book, and a jewelry box. What a wonderful husband!
I got Davin a tool belt, sweat bands, clamp set, and a carpenters square. He seemed to really like them all. ;-)
Later that morning we Skyped my parents and Preston showed them all his new toys.
He was unsure what to think of them on the computer. He recognized the voices and would look on the computer screen. We hadn't Skyped in a while. lol
Later that day we had Seth, Megan, Scarlett, Phil, Sierra, and Holly over for Christmas Day dinner. I made a spiral honey ham (which turned out really quite good) and tried to make cheesy potatoes. Sadly the cheesy potatoes didn't turn out too well. My mom makes them in her microwave but my microwave was too small to fit the pan in. Ah! I had a minor break down and then just put them in the oven but apparently not long enough. Sad day! Then Seth and Megan brought the rolls and Phil and Sierra brought the green bean casserole. Everything else was good besides the cheesy potatoes that were somewhat crunchy and liquidy. lol Of course we played some games and had a great time together! Over all a great Christmas this year!!