Preston has been working on sitting up and squealing. Yes that is right squealing...he thinks it is the coolest thing that he can do with his voice. He is smiling and laughing now which is so much fun!
Preston's favorite toy at the moment. He even falls asleep with it.
around 1/11/2010 he finally could sit up for a few seconds when we sat him up. Davin's hand was waiting for his famous tip over.
At the end of January he is still practicing his sitting skills with a pillow behind for protection against those unexpected falls backwards.
Oh and his 6 month stats are
Height: 90th percentile, 28 1/2 inches
Weight: 70th percentile, 18.12 pounds
His Head was: 75th percentile
So he has a big head oh darn lol. Hope that means he will be super smart! He is tall and pretty thin. We love him so much and are so glad that he is a happy healthy little guy!
Oh this is a video of Preston making his various noises including his current high pitched squealing that drives us crazy....;-) well i couldn't get it to work i will try again later...
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