Here is one of Preston's first social smiles....which usually includes his tongue. ;-)
Then we have one of Preston's last nights in his bassinet in our room. He grew up so fast.
This is right after Preston rolled onto his right side for the first time....he fell asleep right afterwards because he was so tired. ;-) this was on 9/19/2009 he wasn't even 2 months. one determined little guy.
That night after he started rolling onto his sides i put him in his crib because i was scared he would get stuck on a side in his bassinet....just a worried first time mom. lol his crib looked so big compared to him!!
My birthday was September 20Th but we celebrated Friday September 18Th. When Seth and his wife Megan could babysit Preston. It was the first time i was away from Preston it was hard but fun. We went out to eat and to a movie. It was a nice time with my Davin! This picture was taken that day....a messed up family picture. lol
This is just a funny picture of Preston all bundled up with his hat over his eyes. It was taken on a cold morning that i had to take Davin to school. I just grabbed Preston from his crib and through on a few warm things and he just fell back asleep.