So we drove out to Michigan the very end of May to stay for 2 weeks. Well after the 2 weeks Davin decided he wasn't quite ready to leave so he got a job in Michigan building decks with his brother Jeremy. So we stayed till August! It was a long but fun time! We did so many fun things too. Poor Davin was slaving away must of the summer but i guess someone had to be working lol
Preston was a great traveler! He did get car sick going to Michigan when we went through the mountains. He threw up a couple times but we stopped and got some ginger cookies and he was good to go after that. This is when he was eating a Twizzlers and got it everywhere lol |
One of the many things we did was take Preston to the metro park farm. He was more interested in the tractors though. of course! |
Here is my mom telling Preston, Wil, and Cooper that it is ok to pet the sheep even though the sign clearly stated |
Higher daddy Higher! lol |
This slide at the park was hilariously fast! The kids would fly down and land on the ground if no one was there to catch them! |
Preston loved being outside and Grandpa took him everywhere outside. He was a happy boy! |
"Grandpa, lets go over there!" lol |
My Grandpa and Grandma Oesterle even came for a visit! It was so fun to see them and Preston snuggled right up with his great grandma! |
My dad's Birthday! |
Davin's Brother's Lars (left) Jeremy (right). We were hanging out over at Davin's brother' Keith's. Preston loved all of the old toys they gave him. His cousin's Austin and Riley loved finding new toys for Preston to play with. So cute! |
We went to Castaway cafe with Davin's long time friends Brian and Randi and their little boy Bryce! Preston kept going back to this quarter truck thing that we never even turned on lol He loved it just the same! |
He started getting braver! |
Preston spent a lot of time with my second cousins Wil and Cooper. He loved following the big boys around! I loved spending time with my cousin Elise! |
Elise lives on a lake and took us out on her in-laws pontoon boat. Preston wasn't a huge fan of it...he just wanted to walk around the boat the whole time. |
Hanging out at my Cousin Elise's we all put stuff in the backpack Preston wanted to he didn't seem to mind. |
Outdoors with Grandpa! Preston's favorite thing! He also loved wearing his own hat just like Grandpa.! |
Preston would sit on the lawn mower and mow the lawn for HOURS! He LOVED it! |
My mom and I got my dad a cart for the lawnmower for his birthday. It was a good time! |
Playing out front in the sprinklers! |
Preston, hangin with the big boys! |
Preston and Cooper hugging...aww. |
Davin and Jeremy built my mom and dad a deck! This is Preston dancing to the music they had on outside! |
Preston watched them build the deck all day! |
Preston eventually needed to sit down and watch ;-) |
I took Preston to the splash park with my cousin and her kids as well as the church play group! Preston had fun but the water was pretty cold. |
Jarvinen get together for Bob's Birthday! left to right, Bob, Lars, Keith, Jeremy, Kathleen, us. Down in front is Riley and Austin. |
Had to do a second funny honor of Bobbie...haha she always liked doing that! |
Another fun outing was when we took the boys to the public library on a day where they had ambulances, tow trucks, tanks, fire trucks... etc. The boys had a good time! |
Preston liked cuddling up with Grandma and eating popcorn. |
Playing on the new deck! Wil and Cooper were hiding because Elise was spraying them with a squirt gun...Preston wasn't quite sure what was going on lol |